Enjoy a great rest!
It’s not just a wish! A great rest comes as part of the beneficial action of our 100% natural Talalay Latex – and you will feel it much better every morning when you wake up. There are a large number of reasons behind it…
The coolest mattress you’ve ever slept on is made from 100% natural Talalay Latex
1. Multiple layers of different densities maximize the physical characteristics of the Talalay Latex and provide extremely comfortable sleep.
2. The Celsion Talalay Latex on the upper mattress surface minimizes pressure, providing ideal support for the most sensitive areas such as the waist and neck.
3. With the thermoregulatory properties of Celsion Talalay Latex, body temperature is kept stable during sleep.
4. The Thermo fabric is washable and can be detached by unzipping it so it can easily be removed in order to keep its freshness.
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